Youth Social Action
Consortium Trust is proud to support Youth Social Action, encouraging our pupils to become active social volunteers and ambassadors within their communities, through #iWill Campaign and other community YSA schemes.

YSA should be challenging, youth-led (although often adult facilitated), socially impactful, progressive, embedded and reflective. YSA, therefore, should be celebrated for its transformational possibilities - both for young people and their communities - and should be acknowledged as a right of every young person.
#iWill campaign
At Consortium Trust we pledge to:
Inspire and empower young people to get involved in social action
Promote the link between youth social action and employability
Embed social action into our training and apprenticeship schemes
Communicate the benefits of youth social action to our employees and encourage them to volunteer in support of it
Put social action at the heart of my school, college or university
Inspire, empower and reward young people to lead social action
Build strong local partnerships that support youth social action
Develop new, youth-friendly social action opportunities
Promote and celebrate the positive role young people can play through social action
Ensure young people have a voice and are represented in decision-making
glebeland primary develops links with clinks care farm
Clinks Care Farm is a working farm producing food for the local market. We will combine the care of the land with care of people. We will provide opportunities to disadvantaged people to use the farm and its outdoor activities to improve their chances to achieve social inclusion. We will offer placements on the care farm to people with mental health problems, learning difficulties, brain injuries older people (including those with dementia) and young people (age 15+) struggling to engage with education. We work with school to promote farm visits and learning about farming and local food.
We will allow our farm helpers to use Clinks Care Farm as a therapeutic environment and an opportunity to work on their recovery. For other farm helpers it may be a form of day care or help with work preparation. We will encourage each individual to work towards their own goals. We offer work experience for local high school pupils, college students and Duke of Edinburgh Award participants.

We believe by improving the quality of activity, chances of social interaction and working together we can help those that come to Clinks Care Farm and also broaden their experience. We will be making the most of outdoors and physical world environment to stimulate and interest each individual to improve or gain life skills. Working on the farm will enable participants to have a sense of achievement in what they do and at the same time allow participants to achieve certain personal goals. The focus will be on what people can do and not on what they can’t do.
We will treat our farm helpers with respect and expect that this is mutual amongst farm helpers. We will not tolerate abuse or disrespect from the public towards farm helpers or anybody else at Clinks Care Farm.
By providing meaningful and therapeutic activities on the farm we will also be giving respite to carers and other family members. We aim to provide local people with locally grown food that is grown without any
unnecessary chemical intervention. We are keen that local people on low incomes should be ale to benefit from the food grown at Clinks Care Farm.
Clinks Care Farm will work in partnership with social care services, mental health services and other health and social care providers to achieve the best possible outcomes for farm helpers.
Clinks Care Farm will provide a model of social care and will participate in national, regional and local networking and promotional events to encourage the development of care farming and a social care model that focuses on achievements and positive outcomes of those coming to the farm.
Please visit Clinks Care Farm Website here